Long Story Short: God's History of the Bible

The Bible’s Grant Story & the Metanarrative

March 14, 2021 

William Tyndale early 1500’s 1st English translation from Original, 1st printing press

I read God Smuggler – How God closed the eyes of boarder guards 

The Heavenly Man – 

I am holding the Words of God in my hand 

    Jesus quoted the Old Testament as if it was God’s very words, historical 

Last week we unimaginable agreement between 66 books/ 40 authors 

We believe one author, working through 40 authors – only God whispered

Each book has its own flavor and tone, but the agreements are utterly amazing!

There are some who talk about disagreements or contradictions 

If anyone tells you that, ask for an example, easily explained 

Contradictions: The feeding of the 5,000 at the beginning or end of ministry 

One author is not writing a timeline but in themes 

Whether they treat the Bible with grace or not 

The order of women seeing the empty tomb – not a problem 

One easy explanation is that the women ran back a second time 

Atheists will handle God’s Word without normal grace given to any other writting

Today we are going to look at that big story, the story behind all stories 

Bible’s Grand Story and the Meta narrative 

Why are we doing this? I want you to pick up a Bible and not be afraid to read it 

If you understand the story behind the stories you will love the whole Bible 

Some speakers make minor subjects into major ones. Always causes problems. 

Start with God’s Grand Story 

God writes massive stories over 1,000’s of years, 100’s of examples

“In order to build a biblical-theological framework for understanding God’s mission… one must first understand the unified biblical narrative, including its four major plot movements.” Ed Stetzer

Christian student asked what do we believe for a project 4 Words 

The Grand Story

Creation (Relationship with God and Each Other) The world was made for human flourishing in relationship with God, In Eden we were meant to live in joy in the presence of our Maker, worshiping God by loving Him and one another forever

Fall (Rebellion and Separation) Adam and Eve rejected God’s rule over them. We refer to their rebellious choice as “the fall,” and because the represented all of humanity, spiritually dead. We all have through our attitudes and actions– declared ourselves to be God’s enemies. This rebellion results in physical and spiritual death. Causes a separation 

Ps. 5:4-5 For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; No evil can dwell with You. The boastful will not stand before Your eyes

Redemption (Payment and Offer) God implementing a master plan for redeeming His world and rescuing fallen sinners. It takes the dead of one perfect to give life to the other. Helps us understand the cost of redemption with millions of sheep killed. It takes blood not just a kind heart. In the Person of Jesus Christ, God Himself comes to make a people for himself by becoming the last, once time for all people sacrifice. Jesus’ death and resurrection makes a way. It is offered 

Hebrews 9:22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Restoration (Relationship with God and Each Other) The story doesn’t end with redemption. Restoration comes in two ways There is a foretaste of complete restoration with coming of HS (fruit of spirit, holiness, joy, healing). Second way, Christ will return to judge sin and evil, God will purge this world of evil once and for all. And recreate heaven on earth 

At the end of all things – New Jerusalem comes down to a fully restored earth 

The perfection of Eden, The garden is recreated on earth but bigger 

God’s Grand Story

Creation/ Fall/ Redemption/ Restoration 

    But there is more! 

Metanarrative – the reason behind the story 

A metanarrative is the “big picture” or all-encompassing theme that unites all smaller themes and individual stories. 

Building a house, Individual jobs—plumbing, drywall, electrical, roofing, etc.—but all working for same thing—completing a house. The metanarrative that gives meaning to each contractor’s work. The plumber isn’t fitting pipes to nowhere; he is involved for the larger reason of – building the house

it’s good to have the Metanarrative in your mind 

Does that fit? Into building the house? 

Stems from a world view 

Many religions and philosophies are world views that try and build a framework for all of life to hang on. Budhism/ Communism 

The Bible’s metanarrative is the theme of all 66 books written by 40 authors 

But is also the meaning of life its self – Our framework that everything else hangs

What is the reason, behind the story?  

God wants to dwell with his people 

A covenant relationship with people 

To intimately know God and enjoy him forever! 

It is all about a close (intimate, flourishing relationship) 

God walked in the cool of the evening in the Garden – Come close 

After the fall – God comes down to meet with Abraham – makes God a meal 

Comes down to eat with eating Moses /Elders to ratify the covenant Ex 24

God is among his people, in the Pillar of fire at night, Cloud through the day 

The Tent of meetings – like God can’t stay away 

God comes closer to the people in the Holy of Holies in tabernacle, temple 

God cries out loud like a scorned lover when left him. Hosea – his people like a 

Ez. 16 Found you on the street, clothed you, married you. Eat honey 

Worshipped other gods, you trusted in nations around you 

You brazen prostitute, you killed our children sacrificed them. 

God says he is furious! Not because of a list of does and don’ts 

Not out of a relationship that was destroyed 

Yet God comes down in Jesus – the Incarnation 

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they (intimately) know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent

John 17:24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

I am going to prepare a place/ How often I wished I could gather you up 

Jesus makes his new covenant with a meal – even closer than Jesus! 

God became ever closer with the indwelling Holy Spirit – dwells in US 

Laodicea – hot/cold not useful, rich and wealthy, I have need of nothing 

Rev. 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Epi-Knosis Intimate knowledge. Adam Knew Eve. Septuagint – intimate knowing  

Phil. 3:7-8 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of (intimately) knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ

The letters talk about seeing Jesus face to face – not some nosebleed section 

    (should be called) Eternal Life or Eternal Fellowship 

Someday after I have headed to heaven the New Jerusalem will head to the new earth the shape of a giant cube, a giant Holy of Holies – how God describes it… 

Revelation 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God

    Restoration of Eden, prefect presence of God 

What is the entire reason for all of life? 

To intimately know God and enjoy him forever! 

This is why we have a devotional walk, listening prayer 

Children of the King    

This is why holiness is important – if God can’t dwell with sin

It grieves our relationship 


This is why we are called Ambassadors – God is creating a people more to step into a living relationship with God 

This is why we are a Part of the Body of Christ 

God is shaping us down here to live up there 

This is why we are Temples of the Holy Spirit 

To have a taste of eternity, Joy, healing, fruit of spirit 

What’s is all about? 

God’s Grand Story

Creation/ Fall/ Redemption/ Restoration 

Reason behind the Story?

To intimately know God and enjoy him forever!