We believe that Small Groups are an important piece of the transformational process and our hope is that every person connected to COTR would be involved in a small group where they can know and be known. Small groups are about meeting together in community to further embrace Jesus’ call to Discipleship.
Group Leaders: Malcolm McLean & Jess Hilton
City Location: Hamilton Mountain West
Address: 27 Gerrick Court
Frequency/Day/Time: Alternate Mondays 7:00-9:00pm
Begins: October 4
Group Size: 8
This small group will be looking at different definitions of worship and studying worship within the Bible. We will seek to answer the question “what is worship?” and expand our knowledge on what worship is.
Group Leader: Katy Darley
Address: 2149 Upper James (Church Building)
Frequency/Day/Time: Weekly Tuesdays 7:00pm
Begins: October 12
Group Size: 20
Let’s grow together in reading the Bible in our day-to-day lives. Enliven your relationship with God by deepening your understanding of how to read the Bible and learning about simple practices that can help you hear from Him in your daily life. Get to know other young adults and support each other as we grow in God’s Word.
Group Leaders: Natalie & Alestide Bertrand
City Location: Lower Hamilton West
Address: McMaster University Campus (Room # TBA)
Frequency/Day/Time: Weekly Thursdays 7:30pm
Begins: October 21
Group Size: 8
We are a group who wants to equip, encourage and inspire young adults to pursue an intimate relationship with Christ and gain confidence in sharing their faith in their daily lives whether at home, with friends, on campus and beyond.
Group Leaders: Nick & Chelsea Roadhouse
City Location: Hamilton Mountain Central
Address: 27 Elkwood Drive
Frequency/Day/Time: Alternate Mondays 8:00-10:00pm
Begins: October 4
Group Size: 10
Journeying in Faith Together! Study TBA.
Group Leader: Rita Pikkert
City Location: Hamilton Mountain Central
Address: 2 East 23rd St.Frequency/Day/Time: Weekly Tuesdays 4:45pm (but time/date flexes with Group)
Begins: September 28
Group Size: 5
Journey in Faith Together!
Note: This group is currently full.
Group Leaders: Gene & Sue Di Sabatino, Margaret & Alan Dickin.
City Location: Online Group (with occasional In-Person meet-ups)
Frequency/Day/Time: Weekly Mondays 7:30pm
Begins: September 27
Group Size: 25
An online group (with occasional in-person meet-ups) using the “Eye Witness Accounts from the Book of Acts” video series. It is a series of actors portraying some of the major characters from Acts and has a good set of discussion questions to accompany it. We always have worship, a video discussion, prayer and worship to end.