Our Core Beliefs
We believe in...
Our Core Values

Word of God Daily 

We read the Bible for transformation, not just information. We believe that regular time in God's Word allows the Holy Spirit to transform us to reflect the character of Christ. 

Pray First 

Our first instinct is to pray. We pray right away. We listen. We thank often. All of these practices demonstrate our dependence on God. Trusting God is central for our transformation. We build a community of reaching and transforming as we pray.

Service is Worship 

We worship God by serving others, and we ourselves become transformed in the process. We joyfully serve with everything that we have—the gifts and talents God has given us—fully realizing that we are ultimately serving God. We recognize that this world is not our home. We offer freely our possessions, gifts, and time, knowing that it all belongs to God and trusting that he is our provider. 

Life Together 

We all need community, as spiritual transformation is not completed in isolation. We are serious about loving and caring for each other in tangible ways. Doing life in community pulls us out of ourselves and allows us to grow and learn from one another. 

10% More Friendly 

We believe that, as we ask for open doors, God will direct us to people who are softening towards Him. If we simply become 10% more friendly, normal conversations will naturally turn to God conversations and we will become a link to Him in other peoples’ lives. 

Listening Prayer

If Jesus is to be our functional Lord, we should be able to be directed by Him. We believe that prayer is an actual two-way conversation in love, worship and direction. We actively seek God to know what to confess, who to pray for, and to receive direction for our days.

God Taps

If we get an idea out of the blue to act for someone’s good, we consider the possibility that this may be an idea from God. As we step out of our comfort zones and follow these “God taps” in faith, he shows us again and again that the Spirit of God still leads His children (Rom. 14:8).

Love the Local Church

We believe that the local church is God’s strategic vehicle to win the world. We honour and pray for other churches, celebrating opportunities to raise up and send out people who will love the local church wherever they go. We love the local church, God’s solution.